As also example sentences

However, the success of the green revolution in Punjab, Haryana, western Uttar Pradesh and parts of Rajasthan has also been an important factor in the growth of the abovementioned rabi crops.Besides the ingenious twists and turns of the plot and the suspense, the novel was also relished for its language.It was also observed that the multi-purpose projects induced earthquakes, caused waterborne diseases and pests and pollution resulting from excessive use of water.Work on the radioactive decay series for uranium and thorium in the early years of twentieth century was also guided by the Periodic Table.It was also a story of displacements and impoverishment, ecological crises and social rebellion, colonisation and repression.It was also a struggle to rejuvenate our country and to transform our society and politics.As the Mughals began to extend their power to Golconda their representative, the governor Mir Jumla who was also a merchant, began to play off the Dutch and the English against each other.” Gandhi told Shukla he had an appointment in Cawnpore and was also committed to go to other parts of India.She has also noted that in cases where tribals have already been evicted and cannot go back to their lands, they must be compensated.The Constituent Assembly was also divided into the Constituent Assembly of India and that of Pakistan.India has also contributed significantly to the making of world history.f you observe your friends, classmates or relatives, you will find how they differ from each other in the manner they perceive, learn, and think, as also in their performance on various tasks.This has also shifted the responsibility of ensuring quality of goods and services on the sellers.In our society, the caste system has been largely the source of social disadvantage, but poverty, irrespective of caste, has also played a role in creating social disadvantage.The Supreme Court of India has also ruled that the core or basic principles of the Constitution cannot be changed by the Parliament.

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